Sunday, March 20, 2011

Something to do

Week ten post hip break and things are progressing. I am riding out on the road and today's ride was nice and sunny. Ridding at 200 watts you get quite a few riders pass you, although one guy sat in behind me saying nothing and after 10 mins at a set of traffic lights he sprinted off, probably thinking "he learned me good"

This is the kind of thing you put up with on your comeback... so too keep the motivation i have nearly finished building the TT bike. (pictures inserted) Although it will be some time before i ride it, trying to get it just right is a motivation to want to be good enough to ride it. Strange again to do your winter training in the spring, while you would normally be starting long level 3 blocks, but not as cold and that's  nice.  

So most of the discomfort with the metal work has eased, i did have some x rays at 8 weeks as they thought something wasn't right, but the results were normal ( remember when you screw something together - use araldite.. ) So now it's a long steady road of endless level 2. it's been a hard few weeks, but being a racing cyclist prepares you well for discomfort And you mister yellow shirt and white specialized in a few months "i'll learn you good too" ;0)


  1. Mr ProRider,

    As ever a good read and I am glad your are on the mend - you'll learn him good soon enough


  2. Hi
    Just discovered your blog as I am keen 49 year old cyclist who broke his hip on the nike in Kent 7 days ago.
    Got home last night after DHS op last Friday.
    Felt like no-one who treated me at Mayday in Croydon had dealt with a 'young' person with this injury which was worrying.
    Sounds like you are on the mend which is great and I will follow with great interest.
    I was training for the 140k tour of flanders next week....

    All the best

